Community: Tumblr
Tumblr is a platform for people to create blogs and communicate with similar blogs surrounding their interests. Many people use Tumblr to post art, fandom content, photography, and memes, and the community gets to choose itself so it’s very user-oriented. There is no required algorithm– there’s the option to see only those who you follow. You can support each other through likes and reblogs, and there is very little overall limitation to what you can and cannot post on there (which, granted, can be a good and a bad thing). The website uses ads to make its money, but most of the time the ads are absolutely ridiculous and fun to look at. This sometimes leads to people actually spreading the advertisements because they’re so weird, thus giving the businesses even more exposure. The website also has an ad-free option, which is unnecessary to experience it to its full potential, but they also make money from those monthly subscriptions.