Team Communication: Microsoft Teams
If we use Microsoft Teams to communicate with each other, we’ll be able to schedule video meetings, update each other through posts and submissions, and share files.
Document Sharing: Google Drive
To share documents between each other, Google Drive would be our best option. It’s free to use, and there is 100GB of free space for us to utilize. Because it’s a cloud-based system, we can all access the documents shared within our shared Drive from our own computers. While we could share documents in Teams, Drive would be more organized.
Version Control: Git
Git is free, fast, and easy to learn. If we use Git for version control, it will allow the process to happen smoother and more effectively than other programs.
Prototyping: Figma
Figma is inexpensive, and for the first three prototypes, free. It allows unlimited collaborators, so we can all have input if we so wish.
Time Tracking: Microsoft Teams
Keeping time tracking and team communication in one piece of software would be convenient and easier to keep track of on our own without reminders.
Project Management: Microsoft Teams
Wow! Teams has everything!
Code Testing: TestRail
TestRail is cloud-based, which will be a great advantage for us. If we are able to access and test each other’s code in one space but remotely, it will make things just that much easier for us.
Digital Marketing Analytics and SEO: AgencyAnalytics
AgencyAnalytics collects analytic data in an easy to read format. Using these, it also provides us with ways to optimize our results in search engines.
Page Speed Checking: Pingdom
Pingdom is free for us to use, and very straightforward.